Zeelicious Foods

services for brands

For the right brand, our leading lady and show host – Winnie – could be your perfect spokesperson. And that could be the recipe for the resounding
success you seek.

Is your brand in disconnect with your market? Could a different voice or face make the cash register ring?

Most brands look to get popular entertainers as their brand ambassadors. This could give your brand some short-term buzz… But it’ll come with a hefty price tag.

Even if you could afford a popular celebrity… there’s also the issue of industry credibility… They may be a known face, but do they have credibility in front of the audience you’re seeking to attract?

If you offer quality food products, then you want a spokesperson who’s reputable in the food space…

For the right brand, our leading lady and show host – Winnie – could be your perfect spokesperson. And that could be the recipe for the resounding success you seek.

Like to talk to us about your next photography project? Please, complete the form below. And we’ll be in touch.

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